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The Dragon's Cottage is owned by Dragon (yes, he's a dragon and no Reed is different). Here he spends his days writing, leaving the running of this place to his diverse staff such as Scribe and Imperick, and more. The Dragon's Cottage is a gatekeeper for the miniature nexus. It primarily connects to other tiny pocket dimensions, but it is also one of the 36 minor interdimensional doorways that connect Thaumatos to Earth. 


A Book Wrym's Joy


Dryad's Garden

Kismet's Trove

Lost and Find.

Love Me Knots

Poison Me Better Apothecary

Red's Sanctum

The Den

Dragon's Hoard 

The Dryad's  Garden

The Hatchery

The Scribery

Yggdrasilin's Roots


This Dragon's Cottage exists on Thaumatos while its twin, Dragon's Hoard is on Earth. This intra-dimensional part of the cottage is unchanging unless "construction work" is being done. The centuries old shop undergoes renovation once or twice every fifty years to update the small things, but largely remains untouched. Dragon's Hoard is staffed by Druids that double as guards for the portal Earth-side.



Dragon's Rules

​2. Never let a mundane see Otherkin- they freak out over the simplest of differences.


3. Do not deliver any of The Dragon's Cottage products earth-side, or The Dragon's Hoard.


15. Leave the ogress's basket of yarn alone else you'll be turned into stew and bread.


19. Please be sure to dust thoroughly. The last

 time we didn't resulted in someone from Earth finding little footprints on one of the bookshelves. We gave a warning to the imp, but the human, well, they will eventually be ok...


34. Do not let the imps have access to the "Invisible" section. They have a Mischief clause in their contract.


180. Check the toaster for sleeping fairies before use.

 The Dragon's Rules

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